Hygrophila Lancea 'Araguaia' Sp Chai Aquatic Farmer Tissue Culture
This is an extremely rare mutation of the more commonly known Hygrophila Lancea Araguaia. This aquatic plant features leaves that are olive red with light pink tips that grow in a similar fashion to regular Araguaia. This aquatic plant is so rare, we don't really have much information about it aside from the fact that it's very difficult to get. Quantity is limited and supply is infrequent.
Regular Hygrophila Araguaia is a foreground aquatic plant or midground plant which is named after the Brazilian river in which it comes from. When Hygrophila Lancea 'Araguaia' Sp Chai is grown submerged and kept under proper conditions, this aquatic plant can develop a reddish brown coloration. Its appearance resembles that of aquatic stem plants but it grows in short bushes which can add a nice bush effect to the midground of your planted aquarium.
Propagation can be done by cutting the lateral shoots and replanting, or cutting along the stem to replant.
Remove tissue culture gel before planting. Simply wash the gel away or soak the plant in water and squeeze the gel off with your fingers.
Family Name: Lythraceae
Origin: Singapore
Height: 2-5”
pH: 6.5-7.5
Care: Medium to Difficult
Light: High
Co2: Recommended
Propagation: Cuttings
Growth Rate: Fast