Vallisneria Torta
Common Name: Torta Vals
Torta Vals are a common background plant, well recognized in the aquarium hobby. They act as the perfect background plants, growing tall and fast to create a jungle-like appearance. Vals are grass-like plants that spread alongside shoots and can grow to the height of your aquarium. They are nutrient loving plants that anchor deep into the substrate.
- Vallisneria are heavy root feeders and should be planted deeply in quality aquarium soil.
- Vallisneria grows very large and tall making them suitable for larger planted aquariums.
- Do not make drastic changes to the aquarium. Unstable parameters will result in melt and rotting of the aquarium plant.
- Please be sure to remove this plant from its wrap. Remove the foam surrounding the roots and plant into a quality substrate. For instructions on how to properly prep “bunched“ aquarium plants, click here.
- CO2 injection will yield better growth.
- Please research appropriately to ensure your plant thrives.
Family: Hydrocharitaceae
Region: Central/South America
Height: 6-20"
pH: 6-7.5
Care: Moderate
Light: Moderate to High
Co2: Recommended
Propagation: Cut lateral shoots
Growth rate: Fast