Amazing value and quality, I
Amazing value and quality, I received about 12 healthy and thriving plantlets!
Thaddaeus w.
Common Name: Bucephalandra Lamandau, Bucephalandra Lamandau Mini Purple
Bucephalandra Lamandau Purple is a compact, miniature variation within the Bucephalandra family. It features remarkably tiny leaves displaying an array of deep pink to purplish hues. It can be grown submerged or emersed. Despite its small size, it's highly prized for its pronounced iridescent coloration with appropriate care and when placed under aquarium LED lighting. This variant is an excellent choice for nano planted tanks, possibly ranking as the smallest among known Bucephalandra variations in the planted aquarium hobby.
After Buce has been grown submerged for some time, they develop new leaves which are sometimes referred to by Buce collectors as "water leaves". These water leaves are the ones that contain the intense red, blue and purple coloration that makes Buce so sought after.
Family Name: Araceae
Endemic To: Borneo
pH: 6-7.5
Care: Easy
Light: Low to Medium
Co2: Not necessary but recommended
Propagation: Cut by rhizome
Growth rate: Slow