Cool plant good value.
Really nice specimen easily separated into several bunches. Has been in the tank a few days and already has shown some growth.
Common Name: Rotala Colorata
Rotala Rotundifolia Colorata, sometimes mislabeled as Rotala Indica, is another variation of Rotala Rotundifolia that produces exceptional color in the planted tank. Most aquarium stem plants require specific care to achieve bright colors, but Rotala Colorata is able to display particularly brighter hues of pink and red even when placed in moderate lighting. Providing good light along with other specifications commonly associated with intense colors will result in vivid colors in this aquarium stem plant.
Rotala Colorata is a quick grower and will readily produce bushy growth when planted in aquariums with good parameters. We recommend pairing this aquatic plant with other species of Rotala for beautiful effects. This plant can be grown emersed or submersed. Photos depict this aquatic plant's submerged vs. emersed forms. To achieve propagation take a cutting from one of the plant’s side shoots or axial roots and re-plant into the substrate.
Rotala Colorata Specifications
Please note, all stats are provided as general guidelines. Factors such as height, size and overall success can vary depending on care and environment.