Very good healthy plants.
Common Name: Alternanthera Reineckii Lilacina, Alternanthera Lilacina
The Alternanthera Reineckii 'Lilacina' is a beautiful variety of Alternanthera Reineckii. The stems are a striking reddish-purple color that contrast well against their brownish green leaves. Compared to other Alternanthera Reineckii, Lilacina has narrower and longer leaves. When grown under ideal conditions, new leaves will have hues of pink to red color. Being a stem plant and due to its growth patterns, Alternanthera Lilacina is best suited as a mid or background plant. Similar to other AR varieties, the captivating red coloration will definitely add a refreshing change from the usual green aquascape.
To promote healthy growth, Alternanthera Lilacina should be planted in a tank with high quality plant substrate and a strong light. CO2 injection is highly recommended to achieve the most vibrant colors from this plant. Regular trimmings will help keep Alternanthera Lilacina compact and healthy. These trimmings can then be replanted as a form of propagation.
Family Name: Amaranthaceae
Origin: Central/South America
Height: 4-12”
pH: 6.5-7.5
Care: Easy to Moderate
Light: Medium to High
Co2: Required
Propagation: Cut stem and replant
Growth rate: Moderate to Fast