Great healthy plants with vibrant colors
Common Name: Rotala Narrow Leaf Sp. Red
A beautiful, red leaf Rotala species!
Rotala Narrow Leaf Red offers bright pops of red tones in a planted aquarium. Pictures show the plant's submerged form vs. emersed form. As a relatively easy-care plant, Rotala Narrow Leaf Sp. Red is a great choice for a wide range of skill levels and will provide great contrast in any tank. Rotala Narrow Leaf Sp. Red would work great in Dutch-style aquariums as well. To keep the distinctive red color, ensure that the Rotala has plenty of phosphates (1.5 - 2.0 ppm) and not too much nitrate. (10ppm or less.) An incorrect amount of either of these nutrients will lead to stunted growth or discolored leaves.
Family Name: Lythraceae
Height: 4-12+”
pH: 6.5-7.5
Care: Difficult
Light: Medium to High
Co2: Required
Propagation: Cut stem and replant
Growth rate: Moderate to Fast