Echinodorus Reni
Common Name: Echinodorus Reni
Echinodorus Reni is a species in the Echinodorus family that exhibits bold color and contrast in a planted tank. When provided with high lighting, Echinodorus Reni exhibits compact growth with varying reddish-brown hues. To achieve this look, quality aquarium lighting along with CO2 injection should be utilized. When grown emersed, Echinodorus Reni takes on varying green colors until transitioning to its submerged form. Like most sword species, E. Reni should be planted in a nutrient-rich substrate as they are heavy root feeders. Aside from this, Sword Species are notoriously easy to keep and will grow quite large, making them suitable for larger planted aquariums. Try out Echinodorus Reni and enjoy its color range made from olive greens to deep wine red hues!
- Echinodorus is a very hardy species of aquatic plants. Most Echinodorus require nutrient-dense soil to thrive as they are heavy root feeders.
- Echinodorus grow fairly large and are more suitable for larger planted aquariums.
- Do not make drastic changes to the aquarium. Unstable parameters will result in melt and rotting of the aquarium plant.
- Please be sure to remove this plant from its pot. Remove the cotton surrounding the roots and plant into a quality substrate. For instructions on how to properly prep "potted" aquarium plants, click here.
- CO2 injection and quality aquarium soil will yield better growth.
- Please research appropriately to ensure your plant thrives.
Family Name: Alismataceae
Origin: South America
Height: 4-15”
pH: 6.5-7.5
Care: Easy
Light: Moderate
Co2: Not necessary
Propagation: Adventitious shoots
Growth rate: Fast