Great tissue culture
Looks great so far and came with healthy roots.
Kelby S.
Common Name: Echinodorus Red Diamond
Echinodorus Red Diamond is a hybrid sword plant originating from Ukraine. This particular sword seems to be a combination of both Echinodorus Horemanii Red and Echinodorus Barthii. When placed in optimal conditions, E. Red Diamond produces bold, bright colors in the aquarium. Unlike other aquarium sword plants, Echinodorus Red Diamond is a medium-sized species and is suitable for moderately sized aquariums as well as in single plant displays.
When using inert substrates such as sand or gravel, it is important to supplement the plants with root tabs as Echinodorus are heavy root feeders. Nutritious aquarium soil is preferable along with medium to high lighting to help promote brightly colored growth. Like other aquarium swords, Echinodorus Red Diamond can be grown emersed and is great for pond-style planted tanks and Wabi Kusa!
Echinodorus Red Diamond Specifications
Please note, all stats are provided as general guidelines. Factors such as height, size and overall success can vary depending on care and environment.