Rotala Blood Red
Common Name: Rotala Blood Red
Rotala Blood Red is a form of Rotala Rotundifolia that is native to southeastern China. The leaves are long and narrow, similar to those of Rotala H’ra. Rotala Blood Red is a more demanding type of Rotala and should be grown under high light and with injection of CO2. Pictures show the plant's submerged form vs. emersed form. When grown under these ideal conditions, the leaves will get a striking red color. Addition doing of iron may help bring out red colors in plants.
Rotala Blood Red grows in a vertical pattern, thus we recommend placing Rotala Blood Red as a background or midground plant. The vivid red coloration will definitely grab attention and bring depth to any aquascape. Rotala Blood Red can be grown in both submerged and emersed conditions, although a transition period will be required. To keep Rotala Blood Red nice and compact, regular trimming will need to be performed. The plant trimmings can then be replanted as a form of propagation.
- Rotala Blood Red can be grown both submerged or emersed. You may receive this plant in its emersed or submerged form depending on availability and seasonality. Click to learn more about Emersed vs. Submerged-Grown Aquatic Plants for Aquascaping.
- Rotala has fragile leaves! Be sure to handle with care.
- Do not make drastic changes to the aquarium and water parameters, sudden changes can result in the plant melting
- CO2 injection and quality aquarium soil are required for optimal growth and coloration
- Rotala Blood Red’s final size, coloration and growth rate are dependent upon the condition of the environment. Photos are a representation of what you will receive and may vary.
- Please research appropriately to ensure your plant thrives.
Family Name: Lythraceae
Native: Southeastern China
Size: 4-8inches
Ph: 6.0-7.5
Temperature: 72-84 F
Care: Advanced
Light: High
CO2: Required
Propagation: Herbaceous stem cutting
Growth rate: Moderate to Fast