Anubias Nana Variegated Tissue Culture Anubias Nana Variegated Tissue Culture

Anubias Nana Variegated Tissue Culture

$ 22.99
$ 22.99

Common Name: Anubias Nana Variegated

Anubias Nana Variegated is an interesting species that was created from artificial selection by humans. The white-green leaves were carefully propagated from darker green leaves of another species. They do require more light than the parent species.

Anubias Nana Variegated is a small aquatic plant making it a great choice for all size aquariums, particularly nano planted aquariums. It is a slow grower, but worth the wait for how eye-catching its whitish leaves are in a planted tank. The aquatic plant's leaves give excellent contrast to dark-colored rocks (such as lava rocks) and roots created from aquarium driftwood!

Leaves on this aquatic plant will range from white to green depending on each individual plant.


  • Tissue culture plants are grown in vitro from a state of the art laboratory specialized in propagating aquatic plants. They provide the best option for those who want to ensure that absolutely zero unwanted pests are introduced into the aquarium.
  • Remove tissue culture gel before planting. Simply wash the gel away or soak the plant in water and squeeze the gel off with your fingers.
  • Do not make drastic changes to the aquarium. Unstable parameters will result in melt and rotting of the aquarium plant.
  • For instructions on how to properly prep tissue culture aquarium plants, click here .
  • CO2 injection and quality aquarium soil will yield better growth.

Family Name: Araceae

Height: 2-5”

pH: 6-7.5

Care: Easy

Light: Low

Co2: Not necessary

Propagation: Separate by rhizome

Growth rate: Slow to moderate


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