Bucephalandra Theia Green Pot Bucephalandra Theia Green Pot

Bucephalandra Theia Green Pot

$ 15.99
$ 15.99

Common Name: Bucephalandra Theia Green, Buce Theia Green

Bucephalandra Theia Green is a beautiful variation in the Bucephalandra family. This Buce species features a rich green tone and slender, ruffled leaves. Like other species of Buce, Theia Green is relatively hardy and will adapt to a wide range of water parameters, making it a fantastic choice for those who are just starting out. While it isn't necessary, providing this plant with CO2 injection will promote improved health and may speed up its growth.

Bucephalandra will adapt to a wide range of aquarium conditions. However, when given optimal care, growth is dense, healthy and colors intensify. Bucephalandra grow best being attached to hardscape, such as driftwood or rock. It is crucial to avoid burying the rhizome as this may cause rot.

Key Features & Important Notes

  • Bucephalandra is an epiphytic aquarium plant so it can be attached to aquarium hardscape.
  • Do not plant Bucephalandra in substrate and cover the rhizome. This will cause it to melt and rot.
  • Bucephalandra’s final size, coloration and growth rate are dependent upon the condition of the aquarium Photos are a representation of what you will receive and may vary.
  • Do not make drastic changes to the aquarium. Unstable parameters will result in melt and rotting of the aquarium plant.
  • Please be sure to remove this plant from its pot. Remove the cotton surrounding the roots and plant into a quality substrate.
  • CO2 injection will yield better growth.
  • Please research appropriately to ensure your plant thrives.

Care & Additional Information 
Listed information should be treated as general guidelines only. We encourage you to do thorough research before committing to keeping any type of livestock.

Family Name: Araceae
Origin: Borneo
pH: 6-7.5
Skill Level: Easy
Light: Low to Medium
Co2: Not necessary but recommended 
Propagation: Cut by rhizome
Growth rate: Slow  


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