Forest Driftwood - Medium Forest Driftwood - Medium

Forest Driftwood - Medium

$ 13.99
$ 13.99

Forest driftwood is a new aquarium driftwood that offers beautiful texture to the planted aquarium. Coloration varies and includes a range of brown to beige-yellowish tones. Forest Driftwood is relatively flat, making it easy to stack or use as base pieces for secondary hardscape. Filled with many crevices, Forest Driftwood is great for attaching aquatic mosses or epiphytic plants such as Bucephalandra and Anubias. It is also available in several sizes to fit a wide range of aquariums!

Second product photo depicts sizes. Beginning from the right XS - 2XL.

This item is a natural product - Estimated size may vary.

Average size: 9-13 inches


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