Labisia Sp Pinnatifidum Brown Labisia Sp Pinnatifidum Brown

Labisia Sp Pinnatifidum Brown

$ 29.99
$ 29.99

Common Name:  Labisia Sp

Labisia is a genus of flowering plants in the family Primulaceae. With several species of Labisia recognized, Labisia Sp Pinnatifidum Brown features serrated leaves that vary in shades of greens and browns. It reminds us of the terrarium plant version of Hygrophila Pinnatifida, but should not be submerged or this will result in death of the plant. This plant will work beautifully in a terrarium or vivarium.

This species thrives in high humidity environments and should be kept in at least 70% humidity as a minimum. Final form and growth will vary depending on the environment in which they are kept. Signs humidity levels are too low may appear in the form of browning edges. Labisia typically grows fairly large so we recommend having a sizeable setup for this plant.


  • Labisia species are terrestrial plants and being submerged will result in death of the plants.
  • Plants may grow differently depending on the environment in which they are grown in.
  • Additional research should be done to provide optimum growing conditions for the plant to thrive.
  • You will receive a cutting with 2-4 leaves.
  • Photos are a representation of what you will receive. Size, shape and color may vary as this is a live plant.

Family Name: Primulaceae

Origin:  Asia

Size:  Varies

Care:  Intermediate 

Light:  Partial Shade

Water:  Medium

Growth rate:  Slow


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