Rhaphidophora Sp. Rhaphidophora Sp.

Rhaphidophora Sp.

$ 14.99
$ 14.99
Common Name: Rhaphidophora Sp.

Rhaphidophora Sp. is an interesting plant that offers small to medium-sized leaves that are deep green in color with pointed tips. Rhaphidophora Sp. emulates a creeping growth pattern and will readily spread across the surface of stones. We recommend using it in combination with mosses and other plants that are suitable for terrarium or paludarium style setups. Alternatively, Rhaphidorphora Sp. would look great growing across moss-covered stones! Do not submerge this plant as doing so will result in the death of this plant.


  • Final size, coloration and growth rate are dependent upon the condition of the environment it is placed in. Photos are a representation of what you will receive and may vary.
  • Do not make drastic changes to the setup. Sudden changes in parameters can result in damage to the plant.

Family Name: Araceae

Endemic To: Borneo

pH: 6-8

Care: Easy

Leaf Size: 1"

Light: Low to Medium


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