Buce Blog - Planted Tank Aquascaping Tips, How To, Advice
Algae is the result of an imbalance in your aquarium – most often between lighting and nutrients. Your focus shouldn't only be on preventing algae but also your aquarium plant growth and health.Read now
How to Care for Guppies: Care, Diet, and Breeding
Read nowGuppies, with their vibrant colors and lively personalities, are one of the most popular fish in the freshwater aquarium hobby. Their ease of care in combination with the excitement of watching them breed makes guppies a delightful addition to any tank....
Which Twinstar LED Light is Best For You?
Read nowPurchasing the perfect LED light for your planted tank is crucial to your scape’s success. That being said, we understand how the process of buying the right aquarium lighting can be overwhelming. With an abundance of brands and types, where...
A Beginner's Guide to Tissue Culture Plants
Read nowIn the past, live aquatic plants were only available as potted or bunched plants at your local fish store. But in recent years, tissue culture plants have come onto the scene and rapidly gained popularity in the hobby.Tissue culture plants,...
Emersed vs. Submerged-Grown Aquatic Plants for Aquascaping
Read nowWhen setting up any planted tank, choosing the right plants for your aquarium is an important decision. In the hobby, it has become quite a topic for debate - Is it better to plant submerged or emersed aquatic plants in...
How to Get Rid of Cyanobacteria in Aquariums
Read nowIf your freshwater aquarium has been taken over by a thick layer of blueish-green algae, you may be dealing with a cyanobacteria outbreak. There are a wide range of causes behind cyanobacteria (commonly referred to as blue-green algae) such as...
Top 10 Fish for a Community Tank
Read nowWhat makes a great freshwater fish for a community tank setup? The best fish for community tanks often have shared characteristics. Many of them are naturally peaceful schooling fish that aren't territorial. Popular community tank species often aren't timid or shy...
Top 8 Plants for Breeding Aquarium Fish
Read nowLive aquatic plants are a great addition to any aquarium, but they can be especially beneficial in aquarium fish breeding. Not only do plants simulate a natural breeding environment for many fish species, but they can also be used to establish safe...
How to Get Rid of Green Water in Aquariums
Read nowIf your aquarium water has suddenly turned the color of pea soup, it means green water has infested your planted tank. This happens due to an unexpected population explosion of tiny floating algae called phytoplankton. Getting rid of green water...