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Buce Blog - Planted Tank Aquascaping Tips, How To, Advice

  • Choosing the Right Tank for your Planted Aquarium

    Choosing the Right Tank for your Planted Aquarium

    Starting a plant aquarium is exciting as it is fun, but as you begin, you might run into the problem of where - or rather what should you start. Sizing and aesthetics all shape what can go into your next aquascaped tank, so here's a helpful guide in choosing the best aquarium for your next project.
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  • 4 Tips for Achieving Red Aquarium Plants

    4 Tips for Achieving Red Aquarium Plants

    Red in a Planted Aquarium? Written by: Chris (@shrimpery)   One of the more mystifying subjects in the realm of aquascaping seems to be red aquatic plants: why do some people have intense reds, while others struggle to get much...

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  • 9 Common Planted Aquarium Mistakes to Avoid

    9 Common Planted Aquarium Mistakes to Avoid

    by: Chris (@shrimpery)   Having trouble finding a good balance in your new tank? Can’t understand why your plants won’t take off, but algae is thriving? Setting up a successful planted tank is supposed to be fun, but it can...

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  • A Beginner's Guide to Keeping Shrimp

    A Beginner's Guide to Keeping Shrimp

    Shrimp are Friends, Not Food! As rewarding as fish can be to keep, sometimes more variety is needed. As you may have guessed by my Instagram handle (@shrimpery), I am a big fan of keeping freshwater shrimp as pets. In...

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  • Tissue Culture Plants

    Tissue Culture Plants

    Tissue culture aquatic plants are a newer form that has come into the scene within the past few years. Invitro plants are grown out in specialized labs to ensure no nuisance pests are introduced into your new aquascape, allowing them to...

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  • Rare Aquatic Plants: Hygrophila Chai

    Rare Aquatic Plants: Hygrophila Chai

    Hygrophila Chai was born through meticulous selection and patient care. This aquatic plant is an extremely rare mutation of the more commonly known Hygrophila Lancea Araguaia. Founded in 2008 by Wilson Law, he noticed a singular stalk of neon pink...

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