Sulawesi Harlequin Shrimp Sulawesi Harlequin Shrimp

Sulawesi Harlequin Shrimp

$ 94.99
$ 94.99

Common Name:  Harlequin Sulawesi Shrimp, Celeb Beauty Shrimp
Scientific Name:  Caridina Woltereckae
Genus:  Caridina
|Wild Origin:  Sulawesi, Indonesia
Adult Size:  1 in

**Note:  All livestock orders will come carefully packaged with solid wall Styrofoam insulation and shipped via 1-day shipping only. No extra insulation needs to be added to your cart for your livestock.

The Harlequin Sulawesi Shrimp is an extremely rare variety of Sulawesi shrimp that is endemic to lake Towuti in Sulawesi, Indonesia. This small aquatic critter features a distinct pattern across its body and is commonly referred to as the Celebs Beauty Shrimp. 

Sulawesi varieties demand specific water parameters, which make them more challenging to keep when compared to other dwarf shrimp species. Because of this, Harlequin Sulawesi Shrimp should only be kept by experienced aquarists. General guidelines include temperatures of 78-85  ° F and a pH of 7.8 - 8.2. Sulawesi shrimp varieties prefer soft water that is well aerated. Ensure the shrimp are kept in a low-flow, well-cycled tank with aged water and plenty of algae to feed on.

All Sulawesi shrimp are scavengers and will continuously feed on detritus and decaying plant matter in the aquarium. They mainly feed on algae, biofilm, and decaying organics, and their diet can be supplemented with plant-based shrimp pellets/wafers. Adding hardscape  to the aquarium encourages the growth of biofilm and algae due to the rock’s rough texture. This provides increased surface area and an extra food source for the shrimp to feed on.

Key Features & Important Notes

  • Tank-raised specimen
  • Bright, bold color and pattern
  • Shrimp are excellent scavengers and will happily feed on biofilm, decaying plant matter, and algae
  • To increase survival rates, please allow 2-3 business days after an order is placed to properly prepare live animal shipments 

Recommended Water Parameters:

  • Temperature Range:   78 - 85°F
  • pH:   7.8 - 8.2 
  • TDS:  50-150
  • GH:   6-9
  • KH:   4-8

Recommended Tank Size:

  • 5+ gallons


  • Algae, biofilm, diatoms, decaying plant matter, spirulina powder, bee pollen, plant-based shrimp pellets/wafers, blanched vegetables


Harlequin Sulawesi shrimp are very difficult to breed in captivity and are typically done by seasoned breeders. Generally, larger groups of 15 or more adults will provide the best chances.

Check out our blog article to learn  how to breed freshwater shrimp .


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